Sunday, October 21, 2007

Turning 25

One of my friends turns 25 today. I am so dreading the day I will be turning one. I know it's just a number but still can't help wondering if it's all downhill after 25.

Does/Did turning 25 give ya all any goosebumps or is it just me?


Vishesh said...

hmm.... i still have 9 yrs to think about that :)

The Kid said...

Physical age is just a number... it is the mind that should not grow old. :p

If only everyone can control and stop their age at 12, like me! Only recently some claimed that my mental age is not 12 but actually only 3. Yipee!

Partha said...

age is just a number.. if we had no calendars, we would have no age :)

SK said...

LOL, lets us know, and I will officially welcome you to the 'other side of 25'! ;--)

I am dreading turning 30 now. Sigh!

Swetha said...

Vishesh, Enjoy your teens ;-)

Kid, I wish I could do that too!

Partha,if only we had no calendars ;-)

SK, Sure..will do! The other side of 25 are scaring me now!

Karthik Sriram said...

Belated B'day wishes.

I have 2 more to go.


rads said...

Jeez: What is this, a plot to make me feel a dinosaur or something? :O
Neways, whatever the devious plan is, it ain't working on me.
All I can say to all you scaredy cats is that the best is yet to come. ;-)

Swetha said...

KS, Not yet not yet! A coupla more months to go. I am still a happy 24 :-)

Rads, Ofcourse not. Since you have already been through this, I was hoping you could give me some insights ;-)

leoNYdas said...

Duh! why do you have to bring this subject up?

cm chap said...

Ho I thot ur 52 already... :-)

Me too said...

ennamma, quarter(century)-kke ivalavu bayapadariye?!

In the country that you live in, where 60+ and 80+ thathas and paattis are living and enjoying life, you are too much, I say!

Psst... But age is like artic weather, after a point it is all numb!! :)

Swetha said...

Leo, Couldn't help !

CM, Duh!

MT, I know I am polmabifying a lot. Hope post 25 I get that numb thing as you say ;-)